Falling in love with the character

Probably, only a book lover would understand what I feel this very moment.
I am a girl who once loved to read. In a day I could finish 4-6 books depends on my mood. But as I grew older, homework & errands started to pile up, I could’t even finish one book.

until one day I was feeling bored and decided to pick up a book that ALL of my friends recommend me.

Then the weirdest thing happen.
After reading 6 chapters, i decided to put the book down and continue my work.
an hour pass by…
suddenly i miss one of the characters in the book.
this is not just “missing” the story or curiousness to what will happen next like we (book readers) feel,
I’m missing this character, as if this character is real, and the scene of the story just happened to me in real life.
I couldn’t stand this feeling then i decided to pick up the book again and continue my reading to put this feeling to rest.

I finished the book in an hour. Then i felt emotional, as if I was physically saying goodbye to that character and knowing that I won’t be seeing him in a while. well i could just open the book again and start reading right?
You see, for me, if i would re-read a book, the second time I read the book, I will realize that that is not real. —–and I don’t want that. I wan’t that character to be as real as it is in my mind. am I the only one?

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